3 Vaccine Aware Actions: Memorial, MMAMV, International Choice
1) Please sign PE T I T ION ( Tinyurl.com/VVM2020 ) for a " Na t ional Memorial t o Vaccine Vic t ims to be erec ted on t he Mall in Washing t on, DC in 2020 " FB page: https://www.facebook.com/VaccineVictimsMemorial/ Dr. Viera Scheibner, t he world's foremos t au t horiy on SIDS and SBS : https://www.bitchute.com/video/HuzVxChIQFie/ Wha t's in a Vaccine? tinyurl.com/VaccineCon t en t s Infan t Mor tali t y, Our Na tional Disgrace! tinyurl.com/YellowVax End Vaccine Violence . https://www.bitchute.com/video/0R3USyCdJg9Y/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2) On May 30, 2020 many U. S. S ta tes will be Par t icipa t ing in MILLIONS MARCH AGAINS T MANDA TORY VACCINES If you canno t March bu t s till wish to par ticipa te, please dis t ribute pamphle ts. Ma t erials available t o download are Pos ters, Pamphle ts and Flyers here: www.UnitedMMAMV.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~...